“GO” is a ground­break­ing sym­bio­sis of lit­er­a­ture and vir­tu­al real­i­tya dif­fer­ent kind of read­ing by Klaus Merz, one of the most famous Swiss writ­ers . Through the joint atten­tion direct­ed at both the lit­er­ary text and the vir­tu­al space, a com­plete­ly nov­el dimen­sion in the nar­ra­tion emerges in which the audi­ence will become more than just a ‘lis­ten­ing spec­ta­tor’ and more than a sim­ple eye­wit­ness to an audio­book .

The sto­ry of this mov­ing vir­tu­al real­i­ty expe­ri­ence is based on the epony­mous book by Klaus Merz. The excerpts – read by the author him­self – are joined togeth­er in the vir­tu­al space to tell the sto­ry of Peter Thaler who sets out on a moun­tain hike in a quest for inner sta­bil­i­ty. A mis­step in a snow­storm leads to an acci­dent in which he breaks his ankle. Lying immo­bi­lized in the soft snow, his inter­nal mono­logue turns into an argu­ment that tran­scends his inevitable fate .

Through these events, “GO” address­es issues of every­day and ulti­mate tran­sience, loss and mor­tal­i­ty, while a lib­er­at­ing view of life. Although the sto­ry begins by stat­ing the out­come – the silent but sig­nif­i­cant dis­ap­pear­ance of Peter Thaler – the nar­ra­tive arc nev­er­the­less cre­ates a ten­sion that esca­lates towards a height­ened, yet equal­ly more open under­stand­ing.

GO” merges the old­est with the most recent nar­ra­tive form o cre­ate a stand-alone, nov­el expe­ri­ence. San­dro Zollinger select­ed and rearranged twelve unal­tered pas­sages from the 2005 novel­la “LOS”, which tells an entire life sto­ry in con­cise, haunt­ing prose. Thus, they have suc­ceed­ed in fur­ther dis­till­ing the work of an author, cel­e­brat­ed as a crafts­man of fine­ly tuned pre­ci­sion, by about nine tenths with­out, how­ev­er, alter­ing its core.

This dou­bly con­densed nar­ra­tive essenceis then sent on an impres­sive jour­ney through a vir­tu­al world. The world of “GO” tells its sto­ry by cre­at­ing haunt­ing moods, trig­ger­ing feel­ings with mere sug­ges­tions and repeat­ed­ly imply­ing fur­ther con­no­ta­tions. The 25-minute vir­tu­al real­i­ty expe­ri­ence thus suc­ceeds in expand­ing the ambi­gu­i­ty of lit­er­a­ture, match­ing it with effec­tive imagery, while steer­ing clear of cheap gim­mick­ry and sim­plis­tic illus­tra­tions.

GO” man­ages to find a bal­ance between the imag­i­nary world sparked by the text and the over­whelm­ing pow­er of VR in order to tell a sto­ry that has not yet been told.

«Nir­gends fühlt er sich so gut aufge­hoben wie in der Eisen­bahn.»

«Die Schnee­höhe nimmt jet­zt zu, die Augen bren­nen, aber ans Umkehren denkt Thaler nicht.»

«Auf allen Schul­reisen war er augen­blick­lich vom Heimweh nach san­fteren Tönen befall­en wor­den.»